Home ADVENTURE AND SPORTS How to Prepare for A Marathon Run

How to Prepare for A Marathon Run

How to Prepare for A Marathon Run

“Finishing a Marathon is state of mind that says Anything Is Possible

It’s a known fact that everyone (consciously or subconsciously) maintains a checklist of things to do in one’s life that gives them extreme thrill and a sense of accomplishment. For many, marathon is one such eureka moment, but do not know where to start. Completing a marathon is not that difficult as one thinks provided, if you know to do it right

Train Your Body with Patience

Good things take time. Don’t be in a hurry and commit yourself to run a marathon next weekend. One should have patience while getting trained for a 42.2 km run. A new runner has to start training gradually beginning with a combined 2 km jog and 3 to 4 km brisk walking to stretch adequately and prevent any form of injury. This also helps the cardio strength which in turn helps in gradually increasing your running time. It is crucial to take it slow and steady and combine strength workout and lower body training to improve overall strength and agility.

Then comes the moment in the training where one tries to give up again. Instead one should try to beat their threshold levels with proper 3 to 4 month trainings. Many websites provide these training schedules, such as one over here and here

Rest Your Body Adequately

Pushing yourself extensively might lead to injuries which defeats whole purpose of training. Improving your mileage gradually by incorporating rest into training would keep you away from injuries and lets your muscle and stamina recover

Eat and Drink Right

Firstly, change your diet from typical 2 to 3 times a day to 6 small meals throughout the day. This maintains the metabolism active. Load your food with healthy carbs, vitamins and proteins. Sweet potato, brown rice, whole wheat roti, oats provide you healthy carbs. Vitamins through boiled vegetables and fruits. Any runner’s diet always includes eggs, fish, chicken, milk, etc

Choosing Right Shoes

Don’t choose your running shoes depending on colour or how cool they look. Looks don’t give any added advantage while running. Invest time in selecting right shoes by visiting exclusive stores near your location than buying online. Select the right size and check the comfort by wearing. There should be a half and inch distance between your longest toe and front of the shoe

In running a marathon, it doesn’t matter whether you came first, in the middle of the pack or last. What matters is that the satisfaction you get, when you say ‘I HAVE FINISHED’. You compete with yourself, try to beat your previous best and excel


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